Living In The Lights
Journeying with Debendra Manandhar "Baradesh"

Manifest Your Life
Life is a journey
Dare to dream
Envision the future you want to see
and, Live the life you really want
A journey of Self-Discovery, Envisioning, Crafting your Life-Paths and Making the future you want happen.
3 Month Course
New batch starting from June 2024.
Dream, Discover and Design
Learn the art of Self-Discovery
What do you really want and what is really important for you. Craft your Life-paths of every important areas of your life
Apply and Take Aligned Actions
Practice and apply what you have learnt.
Get Suppport
Get support, and inspirations along the way
Live the Life You Really want
You will start to see the results, powerful changes taking place within you an around you. And you experience new way of Being. You will be a New You!
Why Self-Discovery
Knowing oneself is the first step to live the life you really want
Dream - Clarity of what you really want and what is really important for you in all the areas of your life will help you to achieve them
Design - Having a clear Life-Path guides you to focus in the direction
Taking aligned actions are crucial to bring powerful changes and to move on the journey of transformation.
What you will receive
9 Online classes in 3 months time
"Beginning the Journey" 3-days Opening Class (June 2024)
Online class every 2 weeks,
On Saturday night every 2 weeks,
from 8.00 PM to 9.30 PM (Thailand time)
Practice and Experience
You will learn each module in the class. You will make self-discovery of who you are, what you really want and what is really important for you. And, you will be practicing and taking aligned actions. Debendra will be guiding you and supporting you.
Community of Practitioners
You will join Facebook group exclusively for the participants of this course, where everyone will be sharing their learning and experiences, encouraging, inspiring and supporting each other.
What you will learn
The art of Self-discovery- you will learn how to look within and discover who you are, what you really want, what is really important for you.
How to listen to your own Inner-Voice, and live by it.
Power of Vision
Power of Purpose
Power of Beliefs and Emotions
It all about Energy - Understanding Energy and importance of energy
Aligned Actions - why it is important and how to take take aligned actions.
Grounding and Centering - How to prepare oneself to stay strong and stable even in adverse situations
What results and benefits you will get
You will have crystal clear vision of what you really want in life and what is really important for you in your life
You will have your Life-paths ready by the end of the class
Can see Unlimited possibilities and opportunities all around
Will be able to take aligned actions to make your important dreams come true.
Can bring important powerful changes in life
- Be able to live the life you really want - a life of purpose and meaning.
Can live in happy, joy, peace and abundance in all areas of life.