Living In The Lights
Journeying with Debendra Manandhar "Baradesh"
“The workshop made me realize that I am born unlimited! Now, I feel I am willing to do whatever it takes to live my highest purpose of my life. Thank you so much for this great opportunity to learn about myself! “
Meena Lama
"Thank you Debendra for taking me through the journey of my “true self” and making me realize that I
am the master of my life. Thank you for introducing me to the infinite potential that I have “within”.
Nothing can stop me from achieving the goal of my life. I am who I am, and I am happy as I am.
Thank you for guiding me through the process of true transformation!"
Sushma Bajracharya

"I am motivated and energize by joining 'Unlimited and Unstoppable' event, and I am deeply touched and inspired. I made some very powerful realization that I Am Born Unlimited, and I Can Live Unstoppable!"