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PLD 研讨会






柴特拉 17 - 19 , 2078

(2022 年 3 月 31 日至 4 月 2 日)

时间:上午 9 点至下午 5 点

Information On

The PLD Workshop

A Journey of Self-Discovery

with Debendra Manandhar

Welcome to The PLD Workshop! It is an important decision you have made for yourself - to make a Journey of Self-Discovery! 

As you know, PLD is a Signature Workshop of Debendra Manandhar. And, in this 3-days workshop, Debendra will take you to an Inner Journey to help you discover Who You Are! What do you really want in life? What are your important goals and purpose of life etc.

Make yourself fully fully available for  these 3 days so you can take most out of the workshop!

Looking forward to seeing you in the workshop!!!

Here are Information for you about the workshop:

* मिति: 2078 साल चैत्र 17 - 19 गते, 

* समय: बिहान 9 बजे - अपरान्ह 5 बजे सम्म

( Registration बिहान 8.30 बजे देखि शुरु हुनेछ। र, 8.50 बजे भित्र होटेलमा आई पुग्नु होला।)

* स्थान: होटेल Hotel Nepal Cottage Resort, पकनाजोल (फोन 014248039 / 01421942)

* Lunch: गोष्ठीमा दिवा-भोजन (Lunch) एवं चिया - कफी ब्यवस्था गरीएको छ।

* आफुलाई आवश्यक अन्य सामाग्री हरु जस्तै कापी, कलम, Water Bottle ई. लिएर आऊनु होला।


* पूर्ण समय Full Time सहभागीता आवश्यक छ।

©2020 生活在灯光中

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